I had a crapshoot of the end of the week, and got horribly depressed, and couldn't find the will power to finished the page. :(
I'm generally not a person that has to call 911. But two days in a row last week I stumbled upon crap situations and had to deal with it. The universe is testing my will to become an ER doc, I tell you.
I'm not sure when the next page will be up. Definitely by next Monday, hopefully sooner. Next week I start 8 night shifts in a row in the hospital, so, uh, it will be what it will be.
Also, thank you everyone for your support for the SpiderForest anthology Kickstarter! We blew through our 3 stretch goals and were successfully funded! We look forward to adding 2 more stories to the anthology and having them printed in the fall. :)