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Arc 20 - Regrets - Page 158
December 3, 2016

Well, Crazyman already called it, but here's the page!

This is the first time Marisol and Toshiro's conversation that she used his name.

Colbey's thoughts: sorry kid, I'm killing your mom.
Alex's thoughts: oh shit my mom is evil.
Snatch's thoughts: wtaf Marisol

See you Monday with the next scene!


Public FB album from our wedding photographer is here.

Please give it a like or a share if you are so inclined. Kathryn did an amazing job and I'd love it if her post got some attention :D

And if you're interested, these are the people who did our armor!

Webcomic Awards!

What it Takes won an honorable mention in the 2016 Excellence in Webcomics Awards! You can vote for WiT to win the People's Choice award by clicking the above link! <3 Congratulations to all the winners!

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